Your body will thank you for participating in exercise. The modern way of life simply demands regular physical activity. Working out with like-minded people ensures workouts are not just useful, but also interesting and fun. Group workouts are supervised by experienced, licensed and energetic instructors.
At Sunny Studio we provide multiple types of group workouts:
- Licensed programs Les Mills (BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyBalance)
- Workouts for seniors (Sunny Fit, Zlata dekleta – Pilates, Zlata leta)
- Prenatal workouts (Nosečnice, Nosečnice/Poporodna)
- Indoor cycling (Sunny Bike)
- Other workouts ( Nirvana Pilates, Sunny Bootcamp, Sunny Core, Pilates…)
- Rehabilitation workouts
The group workout timetable is available online and in printed form at the Sunny Studio reception desk.