Welcome to Sunny Studio


Welcome to Sunny Studio!

CEO of Sunny Studio
Sonja Poljanšek Škrabec, prof.

It is always a pleasure for me to be able to address people who appreciate beauty and a healthy lifestyle. Ever since Sunny Studio became the biggest health and beauty center in our country, every new step and every move to expand have

been made with the awareness that every one of our visitors has their own story, their own wishes and expectations.

What are we all looking for in these times? In my experience, opportunities that provide us with a sense of wholeness. I have outlined the concept of Sunny Studio in such a way that it allows you to be physically fit while also receiving the associate perks of well-being, emotional stability, absence of stress, a clear focus and a youthful appearance.

The very nature of meeting your needs is based on their intertwining of these services in one place. It is precisely because of this that I am convinced that Sunny Studio, with its architectural characteristics – carefully selected natural materials and state-of-the-art equipment – and especially with a team of indispensable colleagues, provides a faster and more efficient way to achieve your goals.

After all, Sunny is a way of life. I enjoy the company of bright, glowing people and like to imagine myself as of them. Or at least, I am trying to be. Sunny.
