Movement, strength, energy, endurance, elasticity, nimbleness…



  • after enrolling and purchasing a gym pass you are entitled to two free introductory sessions with an instructor,
  • apply for your introductory session at the Sunny Studio reception desk or call 01/513-44-44,
  • your instructor – trainer will present you with a workout regime based on your goals and wishes, and the data you provided on your entry form,
  • the instructor will provide you with the necessary knowledge for the correct use of the equipment and set you up with all the necessary information for your workout,
  • we will measure your body composition (fat percentage),
  • you will receive a personal record card containing your custom-tailored workout regime,
  • we will provide you with basic information about healthy nutrition.

An instructor is always at hand to offer help and advice whenever they are needed.

After your introductory sessions, you can choose a personal trainer.

Please attend your sessions in clean sportswear and footwear. The use of towels on exercise equipment is mandatory. We discourage the use of mobile phones during workouts.